Watchfulness is a visual experience that helps you understand what is good and what is bad. It is like a large gallery with the most beautiful paintings or a library with the best books. After visiting it is immediately clear which books and paintings are works of art, and which are not.
By watching and studying the training and performances of different trainers and competitors you expand your horizons and form your visual taste and understanding, develop the ability to read dogs and see mistakes in training, which helps to improve the quality of your own training and adapt it to modern requirements.
Few people are born with this feeling of a dog. For most people Watchfulness must be developed and trained.
Why do you need watchfulness:
to be able to distinguish good work from bad work;
to respond faster to mistakes and find ways to fix them;
to understand judging trends and rule changes.
How to develop watchfulness
Unlike the simple watching of content, the development of watchfulness requires consistency and regularity.
Make watchfulness development a habit The more often you spend time studying useful resources, the more visual experience you accumulate. You learn to distinguish good from bad more quickly, and you know what is generally happening in dog sports and training.
Analize Just watching is not enough. You need to analyze. Mindlessly flipping through the feed on social media will not give you anything. While watching, ask yourself questions: why is this work attractive? What techniques are used in it? What is good and what could be done better? Where you can apply this or that method? Which dogs it will suit, and which ones will it not? The more you understand, the easier it is to apply the learned techniques in practice and even create something of your own. It’s even better to write everything down - this way the information will be better absorbed and you can return to it at any time.
Create collections Collect in one place videos, articles, notes that are interesting for you. So that you can go back to them when needed. This can help you in solving many problems, as well as in creating your own methods.
What helps develop watchfulness
Social media. The easiest and most convenient source of information. Subscribe to people whose training you like, who regularly get good results, and also subscribe to specialized groups and pages.
Special web sites. These are thematic sites where users share their content. Personal experience. Train your dog, shoot videos and review your trainings. Communication with other sportsmen. The larger your social circle, the more interesting things you will learn, because the main source of knowledge and experience is people.
Seminars and workshops. Attend seminars and workshops, even audit spots. In one weekend you will have the opportunity to see training and solving problems of completely different dogs and ask questions on the spot. But you need to be an active listener, be on the field, analyze what is happening, and not just sit on a chair and chat with other passive listeners.
Club trainings. Same is with seminars. You need to watch and analyze club trainings. Not to sit on a chair and watch from the distance or chat with other club members. Learn good things from everybody and understand their mistakes. Be active club member.
Trials and championships. Watch performance, analyze it, try to guess where competitors will lose points, remember what was good in their performance. Listen to critique? Compare with your feelings about that performance. Ask to be a secretary or to spot judge on the field. You will learn a lot.
Online courses and classes. Today there are a lot of different online courses and classes where leading trainers share their experience and their training methods and systems.
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